✓ Redaction of Financial Statements

✓ Redaction of Tax Records

✓ Redaction following GDPR & GLBA


Mortgage servicing firms benefit greatly from document redaction services they can trust to uphold the key pillars of high-quality redaction within the financial industry. Hill Redaction Services is committed to privacy protection, risk mitigation, and regulatory adherence with our mortgage servicing document redaction orders.

Effective Financial Redaction
for Mortgage Servicing

Many components go into effectively redacting our mortgage servicing projects. By complying with finance-related regulations, having a redaction strategy, and using technology in our processes, we deliver accurately redacted documents within a fast and reasonable timeframe.

Compliance and Mortgage Servicing Redaction

The redaction experts at Hill Redaction Services are highly knowledgeable and committed to maintaining industry standards and conforming to compliance guidelines for every redaction order we receive. Because compliance is one of our top priorities, we stay educated and updated on the latest compliance standards. Read on for more information about compliance regulations within the financial and mortgage servicing space.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the world’s strictest privacy and security law. It imposes obligations onto organizations anywhere, so long as they target or collect data related to people in the EU. The GDPR will levy harsh fines against those violating its privacy and security standards, with penalties reaching the tens of millions of euros.

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) requires financial institutions – companies that offer consumers financial products or services like loans, financial or investment advice, or insurance – to explain their information-sharing practices to their customers and to safeguard sensitive data.


Commonly redacted PII includes, but is not limited to:

Social Security Number, Date of Birth, Debtor Phone Number, Loan Number, Account Number, FHA Number, FHA Account Number, FHA Case Number, VVAD Number, RPC Number, MERS Phone Number, MIN Number, SIS Number, Investor Number, NMLS, APN, Parcel Number, Non-Recording bar codes, Assessors / Tax ID, Handwriting (any sequence of numbers, dates *exception page numbers*). Control Number (*exception Merger docs*), and any Unidentified Sequence of Numbers that could potentially be PII.

Commonly redacted PHI often includes, but is not limited to:

Patient Names, Addresses, Discharge Date, Date of Birth, Admittance Date, Death Date, Telephone and Fax Numbers, Email Addresses, Social Security Number, Driver’s License Information, Medical Record Numbers, Account Numbers, Health Plan Beneficiary Numbers, Certification / License Numbers, Vehicle Identifiers, Serial Numbers, Device Identifiers, Names of Relatives, Internet Protocol (IP) address numbers, Bio-Metric Identifiers — including finger prints, and Full Face Photographic Images and any comparable images.

Commonly redacted file formats often include but are not limited to:

PDF (Adobe Portable Document), RTF (Rich Text), TXT (ASCII Text), Office file formats, DOC (Microsoft Word Document), DOCX (Microsoft Word Document 2007 & above), XLS (Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet), XLSX (Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 2007 & above), PPT (PowerPoint Presentation), PPTX (PowerPoint Presentation 2007 & above), Image file formats, JPG(Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)), JPEG-XR (Windows Media Photo / HD Photo (HDP)), and PNG (Portable Network Graphics).

Don’t see a specific format that you need to redacted? We have a hard-working IT team that supports our software needs. We may be able to incorporate your file format. Contact us for more info.

Commonly redacted document types include, but are not limited to:

Court Records, Legal Discovery, UCC Filings, Deed of Trust, Note, Escrow Statement, Banking statements, Credit Card Statements, Financial Statements , Shipping/Transit Receipts, Medical Records, Progress Notes, Mental Health records, Police Reports, Emails, Education Records..

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